Wing Chun Kung Fu

Yip Man and Bruce Lee perform Chi Soa

Yip Man and Bruce Lee perform Chi Soa

This movie should be spelled Yip Man

This movie should be spelled Yip Man


Have you ever wanted to learn Kung Fu? We provide the amazing opportunity to learn the authentic Wing Chun Kung Fu system. Yip Man is credited as the Grand Master of this art. (well technically the Monk Abbess Ng Miu, but we will get there) Bruce Lee was also a practitioner and went on to create Jeet Kune Do. Wing Chun consists of 3 forms (Siu Lim Toa, Chum Kiu, and Biu Gee, 3 training drills (Pak Da, Lop Da, Chi Sao) , and 7 Wooden Dummy sequences. These all make up the 108 hand movements of the system. Then the system goes into the weapons: Butterfly Knives (Baat Jaam Do) and Long Pole (Luk Dim Boon Kwan)

This course consists of a 108 lesson cyclical curriculum. Every single movement in the Wing Chun System is analyzed to identify if there are applicable combat sport or self defense applications. Some techniques are legitimate, some are not, that is for the student to decide. The entire system will still be presented to preserve the pure art. The practitioner will also learn the history, lineage, principles, and Cantonese terminology.

We also teach the original Shoalin 32 Chin Na Locks (Seize and Controls), and the 18 Hand Movements of the Enlightened One (Da Mo or Bodhidharma). By practicing Kung Fu, you have a tremendous opportunity to learn and preserve the ancient fighting methods from hundreds to thousands of years old.


This lineage is pure Wing Chun straight from the source passed down to us from Grand Master Yip Man.

  1. Yip Man

  2. Yip Ching

  3. Howard Hunter

  4. Jeremy Kinzler

  5. Sifu Justin Konwinski

This Program is taught in person but there is an added bonus of Online learning for those wanting Distance Learning.