Sparring Rules
1. Don’t try to knock out your TEAMMATES. Don’t go at 100% Power, keep it playful, everyone is trying to learn. Its not a death match..
2. Respect your training partners, stay focused on the work being done. Meet them where they are at, not everyone wants to be a world champion.
3. Leave your ego at the door. Ego should Never be prioritized over Saftey is always a bigger fish, you are going to lose eventually. Martial arts teaches us that we are mortal, we do have weaknesses, isn’t that apart of the fun of it.
4. Be considerate of other peoples space. Don’t run into other people, keep your distance, and don’t be going crazy.
5. Have the proper protective gear at all times. Safety is priority. Hitting someone can severely damage their brain or even kill them..
6. Mutually establish the Power Level: Sparring hurts as much as you want it to, how hard do you want to go. Communicate with your partner to tone it down or they don’t get to practice with you. They may even run out of training partners if they don’t learn
7. Elbows and Knees. Don’t strike with any part of the arm other than the glove. Don’t Strike with any part of your leg other than the Shin Guard.
8. No direct strikes to the groin or private areas of the body. No Headbuts. Don’t Directly thrust kick to their Knee, don’t Strike to the back of the head or Brain Stem. Don’t attack the Throat. Don’t strike a Downed Opponent. Don’t hurt your TEAMMATES
9. If your training partner says stop. STOP
10. If they drop their mouthpiece or other equipment. STOP
11. Permissible target areas:
a) front and sides of the head;
b) front and sides of the torso above the belt;
c) entire leg, except the knee joint by thrusting or linear kicks
12. If you knock out your training partner you will likely be suspended or banned from the organization. Your partner will have to get a medical examination for safety reasons and that will be Your fault having read these rules.