Rules and Guidelines

1.    Communication: Please exchange phone and email with staff.

2.    Dress Code: Wear your clean uniform every time you attend class. Ranked Rash Guards and Shirts or BJJ Gi  Belt

3.    No shoes on the Mats. Shoes required in bathroom.

4.    Come clean and keep your gear clean. Cleanliness is for the comfort and safety of everyone.

5.    Check in every time you come to class. Come 10 minutes early and warmup or lift weights

6.    Drop Off: Kid’s off 10 minutes early for class  

7.    Parent Observation: Is encouraged and welcomed. We just ask to not communicate with your child so we can keep them focused on the class. Feel free to share with staff if you wish us to be firmer with your child in rules and discipline.

8.    Class Fees are due in the first week of every month. We will charge your card within the first week of every month unless you communicate with us you will be dropping off cash.

9.    Keep us informed if you are injured, ill, or are going to miss class for extended periods.

10.   Give respect to all instructors

Stay Humble, use good Sportsmanship, Respect the Tap. Safety is Priority.

We have TWO Membership Options:

Beginner Jiu-Jitsu the first 4 months of your training. (4 days per week)

Unlimited: Means more than 2 days per week or more than One program

Kid’s 6 and Under Membership: Monday and Wednesday 4:45 to 5:15

Discounts for Couples, Siblings, and Families

Discounts for First Responders: Police, Fire, EMT etc

Discount for Veterans (15% off Program Option)

Discounts for 6 month and One Year Enrollments

There is a ONE time 199$ Enrollment Fee for All New Members (Includes Gi, Belt and Rashguard $214 Value) Pick your colors and we will order them. (Athlete Gi, any Rashguard)