The following information is a Required Read and Signed Acknowledgement of Rules. Anyone choosing not to follow these rules is subject to membership cancellation.
1. No Shoes on the Mats.
2. Must wear shoe coverings in the bathroom.
3. No jewelry on the mats.
4. Come clean and with a clean uniform: ranked rash guard or Belt Required. Nails Trimmed and Proper Hygiene
5. Check in every time you come to class: attendance sheet.
6. Injuries must be reported prior to participation.
7. Give respect to all Instructors/Coaches. Address them by their proper title.
8. Stay Humble, use good sportsmanship.
9. Pay attention.
10. Try your best every time: that doesn’t mean go 100% in sparring, see rolling and sparring etiquette.
11. Kids: Try not to cry.
12. Don’t talk when the instructor is talking.